A day ago or so, I received a review by someone requesting the DL link to my old track Digital Perfection. I meant to get back to this person, but the review has now been deleted. Anyway, I have been getting these requests for a while now so I think it will be easier to just share the link: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/f626b499c2c1b9ce11fa5c55ecd3ea76
This is the file I uploaded to Newgrounds back in 2013 originally titled 'Artificial Perfection'. I may also have a high quality .wav file of it somewhere buried on an old harddrive ... unfortunately I'm not very good when it comes to archiving my files, so ... I hope I'll be able to find something to share with you guys.
LMAO my fault bruh I did that cuz literally 5 minutes after i posted that i found the song in the music tab on ur website. i shouldve just edited it to say "nvm i found it on ur site". thank you for this anyway xd
It's okay bro, glad you found it! I'll keep you posted if I manage to find the .wav file :)