Looks awesome. Not at all how I would imagine them in a reboot, with the red nose and red cheeks. But it does make me excited to see what the animation will look like.
Looks awesome. Not at all how I would imagine them in a reboot, with the red nose and red cheeks. But it does make me excited to see what the animation will look like.
Thank you! It's a personal project so I'm trying to push it towards my own style. I want it to have a strong "fingerprint" haha
Simple but sweet. Looks like a screenshot from a scene in an animated short or series or something.
What's the context of this piece? Please tell me, I'm curious!
Hey! Thanks for that it really made my day! As much as I wish for it to have context, it's just a drawing I whipped up in two hours. Nothing big.
Yeah I like this kind of stuff.
Good choice of colours - Simplistic but appealing
I like the shadows too, they contrast really nicely with the rest of the piece.
Could you explain the context of this piece a bit? I've never seen Boku no Hero-Academia
Would be spoilers if I say too much. Shes a bad guy. She takes your blood.
Looks pretty good! Only thing might be the neck that’s slighly too thick and the facial expression looks a bit uncomfortable.
The rest is all good, I really like the painterly look and colourpallette!
oh thank you
as for the neck, that's funny considering i wanted a thicker neck haha ,as for his expression, he looks kinda crazy, guess that adds to his character.
I was planning on making him hairy but it didn't fit.
Looks intense! I like the rough pencil-like lines. It really gives me the feel of going up in flames.
though I think it will look even better if you used a bit more 'hot' colours, instead of the desaturated blues and greens.
Maybe try picking a colour-pallete to work from first and then apply those colours to the piece afterwards. I think it would work better if you chose a single colour that will represent your image, something between orange and red would represent 'burning up in flames' to me. And then build your colour-pallette around that colour, by using complimenting colours that work well.
Aside from the colouring, I think you did a great job in expressing the emotion of the situation. Especially the pieces of clothing going up in flames. It looks like this person is struggling (going by the expression). Proportion-wise, everything looks good and the pose looks convincing and realistic. It's a pretty good piece!
Alex has a blue-green palette, her flames are also blue-green hued. I think as the artist of said photo that her colors are just right. Purples and blues represent Alexandria 100%. Go read her story on my Deviantart, maybe that'll give you context.
Looks pretty cute!
A little criticism: it looks a bit like her left arm is slightly bigger than her right arm and the hands aren't the same size. Same with the boots and thickness of the legs. You might try flipping your drawing over and looking at it through a lighttable/lightpad (or just use the flip function in the software you're using to scan your drawings). It often helps to see your drawing in a new perspective.
I like the colouring a lot. What did you use for this? It looks 'honest' and warm, if you know what I mean. That's the vibe I'm getting from your drawing. I like that you did the lineart in purple, it really helps to give this piece a "warm" look.
Hi there! Thank you for the criticism! I will keep it in mind with the next drawing!
For this piece I simply used Copics, Watercolor and colored pencils c:
I don't get how you pixel-artists do it...
I usually animate at a full resolution and then I overlay a grid and fill in the pixels, but isn't always easy, because some parts just become messy and too hard to read.
Do you just draw everything pixel by pixel as you go along? But what about consistency of volume and getting the flow of movement right first?
Good job btw!
For this piece, I did it pixel by pixel. No high-res presketch or anything.
I tend to think about the base as simple shapes and then add the details on top. (like the secondary movements)
When I work straight into low resolutions, I think more about how the piece looks at that scale instead of how it looks compared to the reference sketch.
The link down bellow is a piece I made that I animated first in High Res, and then cleaned up and pixelated.
There's a ton of ways to do pixel animation.
Hope this helps a bit!
Wow. good shading, looks very realistic and convincing. Almost as if they are in a real space. I assume you study a lot of real life drawing? I get that impression from your work.
But even though it looks realistic, it still has that cartoony quality to it, which I really like.
Beautifully done!
Thanks man, that's precisely the feel I was trying to get so I'm glad that it worked out! I used to do real life painting but not so much lately, I'm focusing more on doing stuff from imagination, but those hours of practice certainly helped.
A tiny nitpick: the left arm looks like it's a little bit too long.
But other than that, judging by this artwork, it looks like you know how to draw anatomy well, no weird-looking hands or legs, so it might just be an oversight.
Btw, I like the way you colour, how did you do it? It looks like it's been drawn and painted. Which makes me wonder.. did you draw this on paper or is it digitally drawn and simulating paper texture?
Hey thanks, yeah this is on paper and digitally colored. I sometimes mix ink washes in to make images look less digital, but ultimately it is me being lazy. :P
Aww that's cute.
I feel like the poses could be exaggerated a bit further, based on the center of gravity.
But you've done a great job in keeping it simple and elegant. it looks a bit like it was inspired by Panty and Stocking, was it?
I'm just wondering: do you draw this freehand or do you draw a base + construction lines first? What I get from seeing your art is a sense of confidence. It looks like you're very comfortable with the way you draw, which is great because it comes across as very professional.
thankyou for the review!
"I feel like the poses could be exaggerated a bit further, based on the center of gravity."
> you're right! in hindsight i *could've* emphasised the poses more. i'll see if i can't work on this in any similar works in the future.
"it looks a bit like it was inspired by Panty and Stocking, was it?"
> it wasn't intentional, and i've never seen the show, but in retrospect i saw it as well!
"do you draw this freehand or do you draw a base + construction lines first?"
> i used a sketch layer comprised of mostly simple shapes + important features this time, then i uh... kinda bullshitted the lineart and details, to be honest ^^;;;
i'm pretty comfortable with the designs from Jet Set Radio because i draw it so often, so i don't feel the need to sketch out character details all the time.
thankyou for the feedback + compliments!! have a lovely day.
Age 28, Male
Musician, Animator,
HKU (Graduated 2021)
Joined on 7/23/07