zeg das wel
klinkt lekker.
zeg das wel
klinkt lekker.
Inspired by Primus.
Some pretty nice stuff.
I like how you fused Electro with VGM styled things
Good job mate,
Dude seriously,
What are you doing here on NG? You should sell this and become rich.
You are definitly as good as Noisia and Spor.
You should be really proud of your skills!
Instant 5 and 10.
Nice Envy!
It's really awesome, a mix of Orchestral and Dance, but I'd learn for your exams if I was you. (Not that this loop isn't good or something!)
I really like those little synths, kinda reminds me of the synth from a stage from MK64 and Pirates of the Caribean or something.
...Dance!... %u266B%u266D%u266C%u2669 \(^ o ^)/ %u2669%u266C%u266D%u266B
Nice work C=
Seth and Russ,
Seriously, I think you've got MUCH talent! Don't listen to them.
This is seriously something that's good enough to appear on the radio.
Keep producin, don't give up already.
I think you posted it in the wrong genre, dance-music-fans don't like this kind of music.
Maybe mix your style with something more electronic? dance-able? or dnb/breakbeat maybe? idk.. so more people (on NG) will like it.
It's like playing a hard drum N bass track on the popradio, nobody will like it (I think), most of those people only listen to pop, same with the opposite.
So keep producin', maybe on Youtube, because there are more people who're into this genre of music.
My English kinda sucks, but what I'm trying to say is: if most people here don't like your music, then it's not the music that's bad, but it's the people who don't like the style.
Dude/Dudette (ik weet niet of je hetzelfde geintje als PX9 uithaald)
This is really sick!
170BPM DnB mixed with VGM, I love this style of DnB and I'm really into it.
This can be a great intro or something?
Anyways, I really like how MANY melodies there are,
It's like "Trance-VGM-DnB".
Have my 5/5 and 10/10
Moet veel inspiratie hebben gekost right?
Keep it up, keep producin' =)
Kitty want NETSKY! =]
You're like B0UNCE =D
Sounds really happy! like B0UNC3!
Jumping around behind my PC =D
What do I want from you?
Well, I want you to make more tracks like this!!
Sweet work!
Check me out on youtube youtube.com/tomashcu60 i have many more tracks like this!
Age 28, Male
Musician, Animator,
HKU (Graduated 2021)
Joined on 7/23/07